Quickly explore insights directly from your audience's perspective with an unmoderated video survey.
Future Partners shares our exclusive travel panels with travel brands like yours to access thoughts and perceptions quickly to test big ideas.
Express Explore video insights give perspectives that efficiently expand research by quickly testing creative ideas and generating video assets to incorporate into presentations and stakeholder messaging. Our panels provide direct, unfiltered, authentic perspectives from consumers representing your target audiences including domestic or international travelers and meetings and events planners. In an unmoderated format, panelists record themselves responding to your questions by video. Future Partners compiles the responses to provide you and your team with actionable perspectives and winning strategies to capture hearts, minds, and market share.
Quickly probe for input and follow the research with a quick exploration of topics that matter to you. Express Explore video insights are available to support your marketing and bring the future of travel within reach.
Key Features
We maintain a diverse and engaged panel of domestic and international travelers (English only) and meetings and events panels ensuring a consistent flow of qualified participants.
As an add-on or stand-alone project travel brands can quickly gain perspective and understanding to guide decision-making.
As a cost-effective way to collect qualitative insights, you can afford to be curious to unpack big ideas and build trust in the research through testimonials.
Real travelers and event planners express themselves concisely in a video format that is easy for travel brands to share with stakeholders or during presentations.
Activate and share insights with your stakeholders to inform marketing strategies, product development, and customer experience improvements.
Remain objective and gain a deeper understanding of intentions and thoughts with video testimony. Express Explore video insights and testimonials help travel brands quickly explore audience travel motivations and preferences and understand the process of decisions while also saving time and resources.
How it works
Please reach out to us if you are looking for in-depth customer research. Email us at info@futurepartners.com to learn more.