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Uncovering Critical Perceptions


Brand Montanta




Forest view from inside of a tent


From the Rocky Mountains to the Great Plains, Montana shares the spirit of adventure with millions of tourists every year. Brand Montana, a division of the Montana Department of Commerce, is committed to preserving and promoting the Treasure State’s greatest gifts for visitors and residents alike. In the wake of the pandemic, Brand Montana embraced the opportunity to transform their approach to tourism.

Together, we laid the foundation of a statewide strategy for the future of travel across Montana. From expansive research to clear analysis, we put Brand Montana on the path toward a vibrant ecosystem and thriving economy for years to come.


We worked alongside many stakeholders to construct a robust research program from beginning to end. Because Montana is home to a world of natural attractions that everyone can enjoy, our plan prioritized sustainability and inclusion at every step by uplifting diverse voices and emphasizing the environment.

We began by applying quantitative and qualitative data collection methods to produce the fullest possible picture of Montana’s tourism industry. Our research focused on two primary areas of study—visitors and residents.

First, The Survey of Montana Visitors interviewed adult residents of the United States who have visited Montana in the past five years—including those who live within the state. The survey captured when and where each trip took place, what amount of money was spent, and how each visitor perceived their experience.

Next, The Survey of Montana Residents approached adult residents who live in Montana full-time to understand how the tourism industry impacts their quality of life. This study measured how each resident perceives tourism, their awareness of tourism’s economic impact, and any pain points they may have. “Montana is the kind of place that sparks curiosity and fuels adventure," recalled one resident.

We dimensionalized these findings by conducting intimate focus groups with residents who represent a mix of regions, genders, incomes, and occupations. We engaged each group in detailed conversations about the pros and cons of living in Montana and the personal impact of tourism.


Although this project is still in process, our research has already proven to be an invaluable tool for ideation and a critical metric to measure success.

Brand Montana values every visitor, regardless of their differences. The Survey of Montana Visitors analyzed the tourism industry from all angles to provide an in-depth understanding of the mindsets and motivations of the state’s diverse travelers. By detailing the values and behaviors of tourists, the study uncovered critical patterns that will ultimately lead to informed decisions.

The Survey of Montana Residents provided us with insights only locals can provide. This study found that more than 60% of Montana residents have a positive perception of the tourism industry and more than 30% believe that it improves their quality of life.

Finally, our focus groups added color to these findings by offering a closer look at the way residents of Montana feel about the state’s tourism industry. These insights are an essential step toward community alignment and allow Montana to move forward with the support of its residents.

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